General Dentistry

Interesting Ways to Save a Lost Tooth

Jul 26 • 1 minute read

Patients who have lost a tooth due to sudden trauma are often prone to discomfort and may panic about how they can preserve their smiles. At Southland Dental in Anaheim, we provide swift and effective care for true dental emergencies involving tooth avulsion to ensure patients regain the full comfort and aesthetics of a complete smile.

This guide explains interesting ways in which teeth can be saved once they have been ejected from the smile.  If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact our practice immediately at 714-588-7777.

Use your Tongue to Clean your Tooth

Though it may sound odd, cleaning a lost tooth with your tongue it is one of the best ways to ensure it remains healthy. Rinsing or scrubbing a tooth under a faucet risks the loss of necessary soft tissues. By gently licking a knocked-out tooth, saliva removes any debris. Hold the crown to avoid disturbing the healthy connective tissues while doing this.   

Put the Tooth Back In your Smile

Once the tooth has been cleaned thoroughly, it can be placed back in the socket. In certain cases, placing the tooth back in the bite allows the connective tissues attached to the root to begin healing. Biting down on gauze or a piece of cloth can relieve some discomfort through counter-pressure after you have placed the tooth in the socket.

Place the Tooth in Your Cheek

If the tooth no longer fits in the socket, it is possible to preserve it by keeping it between your other teeth and the cheek. Saliva is an ideal solution to preserve the soft tissues.

Drop Your Tooth in a Glass of Milk

As with saliva, milk preserves an avulsed, healthy tooth. If you aren’t able to place the tooth back in its socket and don’t want to hold it between your cheek during the time before your appointment, place it in a glass of milk before seeing our team at Southland Dental.

If you have experienced a dental emergency, don’t wait to seek the help of a dental professional. Contact Dr. James Lin and our team for treatment to enhance your comfort and regain full bite function.   

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